Newbie Question: Which software to use

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mehndi, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. mehndi

    mehndi Guest

    I tried burning the dvd: House of Sand and Fog, using Shrink. I have made copies of all the guides and newbie tips. While using Shrink, the guide says after the analysis, I should have a green bar with a portion grey or a green bar with a portion red. I ended up with a green bar with no grey or red. It was totally green and was about 4,800 mb (I don't remember the exact number). I went ahead and used Shrink but then I Compressed the movie to about 65%. Was this necessary? Should I have just tried to burn the movie without compression and just removed some of the audio tracks? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  2. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    depending on what version of dvd shrink you use,most are set to automatic compression.Which is by default 4464 mb,which comes out to be around 4.36 gb.You may want to change the default number so as not to write on the very edge of the disc(if your using cheap media)or just to be safe,with any media(just mho)
    so the answer to your question would be no, you didnt have to compress anymore than was already set by default, unless your using an old version of shrink such as 2.3 or your compression setting werent set on auto

    you should never take life too'll never get out alive!!
    procrastinate now...dont put it off till tomorrow
    if you can read dont need glasses.[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2004

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