A couple of weeks ago, I installed the Matrix mod chip in my Xbox. Due to some ethernet wiring issues, I hadnt trying to install the Evox dashboard until yesterday. When I created the boot cd and put it in my xbox, it was not recognized by the Xbox. I dont know if it is because I am doing something wrong in the boot cd creation process or if there is something wrong with my mod chip. When I boot the Xbox now, the "X" logo is blue which I thought meant that the new BIOS was active. However, I read somewhere that it should also say Matrix Inside. Mine doesnt say that, instead it says Microsoft. Does that mean I dont have the mod chip working correctly? Greg
i had the same problem while trying to get my xbox to boot from the evox cd i made. i had to reboot the xbox a few times to get it to read it. what ISO creation program did you use? try using ISOMaker if you still cant get things to work.
I am using xISO to create the image file. I also tried Roxio software. Both did the same thing. I am using Memorex 650MB / 74Min CD-RW discs. Greg
I did when i was running the evo25blue.bin bios.. but when i reflashed the D.6 Blue eject fix bios it went back to saying microsoft.. what bios is on ur chip?
and erase fusking xISO and never use it again try craxtion or GDFImage to make the iso's... trust me on this one