hey sup? k i just got a few questions cause i just started getting into this whole burning cd thing. 1. I got a movie and its like splitted into two parts both 700mb. what would you guys recommend best to join these two? ive been using easy video joiner but it doesnt join some movies n it says error..so whats the best u would recommend? 2. Whats the best dvd burning software would you recommend usually for 700mb movies.. Thanks in advance this forum rocks.
I use Nero 7 Premium for all my burning. Highly recommend it. Although like yourself I have a movie that is split into two files but not sure what to use to join them, anyone know if Nero Vision 4 will join the two .avi files?
I think Virtualdub can join your avis: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/virtualdub_join_avi.cfm
By the way Laddyboy, I take it Nero Vision 4 or any programs in the suite do not join two .avi files?
I've never really tried using Nero Vision to do it so I can't say whether it does or doesn't. Sorry. But if you can add one clip to another then there is no reason they can't be joined. I just don't use the program much myself. You need a Nero expert. LOL. I'll jump to the Nero site and see if they say anything about it. Back later.
I just imported 2 AVIs into NeroVision and didn't see any obvious way to join them together into a single clip. I don't have Nero 7 so I was using Nero 6, i.e., Nero Vision 2. Maybe you can ask this question in the Nero forum or the Video Authoring forum. NV allows splitting but I didn't see any joining.
Found out how to do it mate. When you import the two files into NV there should be a little icon on the left hand side, looks like two small film clips. Click this and it merges the files! If the icon isn't there hold down ctrl and highlight the files with yor mouse, then click the "merge files" icon. Hope this helps anyone who is interested! Maybe teleport to the relevent forum Mods?