Hartware.de leaked these data about the Radeon HD 4000 series. The estimated release date is June. HD 4870 X2 2x 480 1024MB GDDR5 2x 256bit 1050/1800 250W HD 4870 480 1024MB GDDR5 256bit 1050/2200 150W HD 4850 480 512MB GDDR5 256bit 850/1800 120W HD 4670 240 512MB GDDR4 256bit 1000/1200 100W HD 4650 240 256MB GDDR4 256bit 800/1000 80W HD 4470 40 256MB GDDR3 128bit 900/800 50W HD 4450 40 128MB DDR2 128bit 700/500 30W Radeon Stream Prozessoren (SP) FLOPS pro SP Chiptakt Rechen- leistung HD 4870 X2 2x 480 2 1050 MHz 2016 GigaFLOPS HD 4870 480 2 1050 MHz 1008 GigaFLOPS HD 4850 480 2 850 MHz 816 GigaFLOPS HD 4670 240 2 1000 MHz 480 GigaFLOPS HD 4650 240 2 800 MHz 384 GigaFLOPS HD 3870 320 2 775 MHz 496 GigaFLOPS Source: hartware.de
While I'm glad ATI have had the sense to make a 1GB single GPU, I don't like the fact that the power consumption has crept up again...
so then sam what your views on the Sapphire Radeon HD 3870x2 just that a friend of mine has but order on and i just want to know if its eny good thanx
I much prefer using crossfire properly to the HD3870X2 - you may only need one slot for the X2, but it has a very noisy cooler and is difficult to cool even with an aftermarket solution because the heat output is so high - additionaly, it lacks the flexibility of disabling crossfire properly like you have with the single cards. Last time I checked, buying two separate cards also worked out cheaper.
kool i glad im going with the single card solution witch reminds me did u see my qustion in that other thead
firstly, hope this is real and its coming early early june in time for alone in the dark secondly, I hope that the 4870 is not more than 300 thirdly, it needs to play crysis 60+ fps without aa highest settings
Which resolution? I can probably make that at 800x600, but anything higher and it isn't happening. I'd like Crysis to be playable maxed at 2560x1600, but that's going to be a dream on situation for many years to come...
When I first read that I laughed and thought someone had made it up, but a bit of googling later it seems like it really will exist - clearly ATI think adding numbers to the memory technology will help their cause...