Nintendo DS Lite Orange Light Stays On But Doesn't Work

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Jennygirl781, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. Jennygirl781

    Jennygirl781 Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    I have about a year old nintendo ds lite and it is my neice's she must have dropped it somewhere along the line of owning it. Before i opened up the ds i noticed when i would shack the ds it would sound like there was something rattling around in there. I opened up the ds and noticed that fuse 2 was indeed missing. And I was just wondering if the motherboard is indeed trash or if i can just replace the fuse and everything is fine and dandy. I just do not want to get the fuses and than find out that i still need to get a motherboard as well. It would be pointless. Please help i am trying to do this before christmas, sorda as a suprise.
  2. Vato

    Vato Regular member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    looks like the fuses that are soldered to the Motherboard have come off.
    So you have 2 options. Either 1 somehow get those 2 fuses, open up the DS and solder them on again (though I doubt it will work again) seeing how your niece has dropped it who knows how many times or what else she has done to it.
    or 2 ring nintendo and tell them about it.... though again I doubt they will fix it under the warantee its still on and they might charge you an arm and a leg for it.
    third option is just to get a new one.

    How old is your niece anyways?? seems to me she is like under 5 or so?
    I don`t think it`s a good idea to give young kids DS`s as things like this will tend to happen and cost alot of moneyz.

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