nintendo dsi ,will there or is there game cards that hold loads of games like the ds

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by sharonnum, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. sharonnum

    sharonnum Guest

    im just wondering is there or can u buy from some site the game cards that work for the ds with all the games on them is there one available yet for the dsi
  2. penguin98

    penguin98 Regular member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    I dont think you looked very hard. Flashcarts for the DSi have been available almost since the console's launch.

    Though currently I think the newest DSi firmware is still blocking them there should be a workaround soon.
  3. lester147

    lester147 Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    11, buy the red one and use latest firmware,had one for 3 months works fine with no problems.
  4. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    Actually don't buy the R4i, the problem is that there are currently 12 types of R4i available and you have no way of knowing what you are going to get. Try the AceKard 2i, EZ Flash Vi, Supercard Onei, There are plenty of cards that are not confusing and work far better, I tried the Acecard and was impressed with the interface.
  5. sharonnum

    sharonnum Guest

    thank you all so much ,now how do i purchase one or 2 of these for my kids ,im not very computer friendly either ,any one out there that i can buy one off
  6. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    If you don't mind the wait - its cheap but can take a while to arrive
  7. oosel

    oosel Regular member

    Dec 25, 2006
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    Sounds like you might not quite understand how these carts work? They do NOT come with all the games on them. Infact to make them work you have to install the proper firmware. And find and download the games you want on it and place them on the memory card. You need 2 things the cart and the memory card that you place all the games and firmware on.

    If you are not very computer friendly as you put it. You might run into a few problems. Just make sure you do a bunch of reading and know what you are getting into! I know about 6 people that bought carts and could not figure out how to use them. Even after I showed them they still can not place there own games on the memory card. I have to do it for them and its getting old LOL.

    I also recommend the AceKard 2i or the EZ Flash Vi. And if you ask me to pick between them 2 its kind of a toss up. But I recommend the EZ Flash Vi to my friends. Only because they came out with the fix first after the 1.4 update.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  8. sharonnum

    sharonnum Guest

    ohh thanks for your advice and i prob wont be able to do all that ,would you be in a poiustion to make 2 cards for my kids dsi s please with games on them ??
  9. oosel

    oosel Regular member

    Dec 25, 2006
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    Thats really not a good idea. Because sometimes a bad game save can corrupt the memory card.And nintendo updates the DSI. Which requires you to install new firmware on the cart. And you would have to ship it back and fourth to have someone fix it. That would not be cost effective. There might be other members here that would do it. But honestly its something you need to know how to do on your own. All it takes is some reading, its not that complicated. Depending on the individual.

    Sounds like this might not be the thing for you honestly. You can buy the cart for 15-20 bucks and a 8 gig memory card for about 19. So at the most $40 total. Maybe buy one and try to do it yourself? I dont know what else to say. Or find someone local to you that can do it for you. That would be the best way.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  10. sharonnum

    sharonnum Guest

    okay thanks for ur advice .could u send me a private message with the shopping list and il try it on my sony vaio when it gets here,like everything i need to have to start working on it
  11. sharonnum

    sharonnum Guest

    and just one last thing how does nintendo update the dsi when im not connecting it
  12. oosel

    oosel Regular member

    Dec 25, 2006
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    Well if you literally never conect your dsi to the internet. Then I guess you dont have to worry about the dsi updating. But new firmwares still come out for the cart that have to be installed to play new games.

    I just mentioned that because you were buying for your kids. When they go to a friends house that has internet. Or anywhere that has wireless internet available, dont you think they will see what it can do online? My 8 year old nephew does it all the time even though he is not supose to. They can figure it out very easy nowadays LOL. I can walk out in my front yard and pick up about 3 wireless connections that I can get on. Kinda scary nobody locks there wireless routers.

    You need these

    I posted the 8GB card with the reader so you can plug it into your usb port. I assumed you don't have that adapter. Everything else can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website. Go there and do a bunch of reading. Everything is covered there in there forums.

    The games (or roms as they are called) you are on your own! For legal reasons I only suggest backing up your games you actually own.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  13. sharonnum

    sharonnum Guest

    i have 3 or 4 of them little gb memory cards that i got with my phone will they be any use to use
  14. Noamos

    Noamos Regular member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    I'm no expert but all i see si kingston, scandisk, and servial others that come in certain packages so I assume that most mini SDSHC card works
  15. girith

    girith Member

    Aug 14, 2008
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    many flashcards support DSi: r4i, acekard2i, m3i zero, ez-flash Vi etc. I recommend Acekard2i. what flash card do u have? SD or sdhc. Acekard 2i support SDHC. AK2 official site LINK and for where to buy LINK
  16. oosel

    oosel Regular member

    Dec 25, 2006
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    What size?
    Do you have the USB writer for them?

    The bigger the card the better. 8GB is about the best value for the price. The smaller the card the less games you can put on it. A 2GB card might hold 30 games or a few more. Which is not a lot at all. 8GB holds 4x that amount about 175 or more games.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2009
  17. sharonnum

    sharonnum Guest

    ohh ,its just so much trouble there has to be someone that can put some games on 2 cards for my 2 kids dsi s ,there driven me up the wall ,can anyone out there please help this single mother ,please
  18. ismar

    ismar Guest

    actually, it's not so difficult to fix all.

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