nintendos spell

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by LexZ, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. LexZ

    LexZ Guest

    omg i made a thread saying if i should buy the game animal crossing (which i bought) so i see them demoing the new light and i think OMG!!! this is awesome so i walk out of the store with a bunch of games and a ds light. WOW right after i literally had to run to the bank have my mom write me a check and put $30 just so i would not go negative i spent over $200 i spent SOOOOO much on the gba, gbasp, and gba light, now it is the ds turn to cut a hole in my pocket
  2. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    You almost overdraft for a DS Lite? I hope you have fun with it :)
  3. mark5hs

    mark5hs Guest

    why would you buy a GBA micro if you have an SP?
  4. LexZ

    LexZ Guest

    i liked it was small the gba micro so my mom bought me 1 but i sold it a little while a go 8P i am a sucker for the new technology
  5. mark5hs

    mark5hs Guest

    the thing that annoyed me about GBM and DS was that they couldn't play original game boy and game boy color games (can any one tell me if DS lite can?). Something I noticed was that GBA games have a small groove on each side and other game boy games dont. DS and GBM had plastic in the slots which would slide into the grooves and not let you put original game boy games in. I dont understand why nintendo did that.
  6. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    The GBA supported GB and GBC by containing GB and GBC hardware. The GBA Micro was smaller, so to save space on the PCB they removed the support. With DS, they used the excuse of not wanting it to replace the GB line-up, so they only included GBA hardware without the GB and GBC hardware. This was probably because they just couldn't figure out a way to fit everything inside and didn't want to admit it. GB/GBC support was always done with hardware instead of emulation, which is why support is being created by homebrewers.

    The DS Lite can't play GB/GBC since it's essentially just a smaller version of the DS.
  7. wazid360

    wazid360 Guest

    What?! I thought the ds had full backwards compatibility with the whole Gameboy line-up? O well it's a good thing I Already sold all my GBC and GB games :D
  8. pakixd

    pakixd Regular member

    Jun 25, 2006
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    the only reason i haven't gotten rid of my GBA SP is because of super mario bros DX and that i can still play GBA games that have link support. With the DS.. theres also no GBA link support.. so any multiplayer games you had you basically lose multiplayer on them. Although i don't play linked games on my GBA SP often.. its still a nice feature to have when you're on the road and you meet a cousin or friend that has an SP and you have similar games

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