I'm very new at this, but after searching this great site, I've learned how to convert an avi to dvd using avi2dvd and burning with dvd shrink. However after i convert the file, the audio is only working for the first three minutes of the video then stops for the rest. I did the conversion twice using this guide http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/avi_to_dvd_avi2dvd.cfm and still only audio at the begining. I double checked the original avi file and there is audio through out the entire movie. I was wondering if i should try to convert using a different software or maybee a setting i'm overlooking. Any advice would greatly be appreciated. thanks
Try VSO (free version) to see if you have better luck: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_encoders/vso_divxtodvd_free.cfm
R U sure that you don't run the demo version of this app 'cause as far as I know this encodes only the first 3 mins (if i remember right)
well it encoded the entire video, but only 3 minutes of audio. No luck with that other app. Thanks for the help though.
Let's start from the very beginning, the problem could be simple. Open the AVI with VirtualDubMod. Do File___Fime information and watch the length of that movie (let's say 120' for both audio , MP3 type, and video streams). Then click Stream___Sttream List and Demux the audio stream. After that, open the file with HeadAC3he, convert it to WAV and, if the sound sampling rate is not 48 kHz, check the 'resample to' 48 kHz checkbox. Open the resulting WAV file and check it's length matches movie's. If not, there is a corruption point in the audio stream and you cah skip this saving the AVI file a little before and a little after that point. Do this until you have the pieces: x'+y' AVI files from which you can make two x' , y' WAV files 48 kHz. When you've made it, merge the resulting files and author a DVD with them...