no desktop....

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by clover65, May 3, 2003.

  1. clover65

    clover65 Guest

    i have dell computer,windows 98se,pentium 111 600mhz.sometimes when i start my computer-it loads to the background-then nothing else happens. no icons,sometimes i get a taskbar,but the curser stays like an egg timer so i have to reboot.any ideas what can be wrong please...
  2. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I would call up Dell, their tech support is the best I have seen. What do you mean by Pentium 111 600Mhz, do you really mean P3 600Mhz. One problem with Dell computers is the Ram cleaning. Did you increase the Ram resently? I had a friend increase the Ram to 1GB in a Dell and would take 3mins to boot to wipe the Ram. But I would call Dell, they are really good.
  3. clover65

    clover65 Guest

    prisoner...thanx for your i havnt added any extra ram...and yes i did mean p3

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