No dial tone on 56kps modem

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by LMH16, Aug 19, 2006.

  1. LMH16

    LMH16 Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    I don't know if anybody can help me but a relation of mine is having problems connecting to the internet. She currently uses a dial up connection as it is used quite rarely. When she tries to connect it says on the screen-

    No dial tone, make sure the modem is correctly connected to the computer and phone line.

    The modem is just an internal 56kbps modem, and the connections have been checked. Strangely enough the same problem happened to me about a week ago and we think it could down to the weather as we have had servere thunder in our area and it killed my connection as well affecting the modem and AOL sent a new one and now it works again. This time though I'm not sure what to do as the last time we could just change the external modem.

    Thank you for help.
  2. Morph416

    Morph416 Active member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    The best way to test a line for a dial tone, is to plug in a regular phone and see if there's one. If there is, and the modem still won't detect's possible the modem might have gotten zapped. But, there's still another way to test the modem if there's a dial tone. Uninstall the modem's drivers. Then remove the modem and put it in another PCI slot, install and try again.

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