help!!! i dont know what has happened. i installed windows xp on our dell w/ pentium 4 and a standard disc drive, but with an added lite-on dvd burner drive. everything worked fine for about a month but then both disc drives stopped reading cds. i went into the hardware manager and they were both still listed but the cd drive icons had yellow circles with exclaimation marks through them. i took the ide out of the lite on and tried again. this time only the original drive was showing but still exclaimed. i then replugged back the lite-on and both are still exclaimed. could anyone please help me?
Uninstall the CD/DVD drives in the hardware manager. right click and choose uninstall then restart your computer windows then will hopfuuly install them correctly. Also if they are on the same IDE cable make sure the Burrner is set to Master and the CD-ROM is set to slave. Then place the Burrner at the end of the IDE cable and the CD-ROM in the middle. If that dosent work then maybe you have installed some program that is making the drives conflict with somthing. So if you recently added a new burrning program etc then try uninstalling it.