Couple of questions to the all mighty. Looking to build a PC, what I would like to do is use it to capture video from vhs and camcorder both use s-video, and make some home DVD's. I am looking at low cost the lower the better. I will be buying a new digital camcorder with in the next few weeks so I need to be able to use it for that also. I have many years of video. My goal is to burn it to DVD as whole and edit it later on. I don't care about the AMD or Intel thing (sorry if that upsets anybody) I just want a low cost PC that works for my needs. Heres the question what mobo & cpu?? Thanks
CPU AMD AthlonXP2500 MOBO ASUS A7V8X-X or if you want a bit more OC friendlyness or performance, the A7N8X-X Short, sweet and straight to the point