Hello, my tower only has for 2 HDD and its both taken and i want to add 1 or more to it, is there any way to do it? (expect external HDDs) edit: what are external hard drive cases? if it is what i think it is, can i take out one of my hard drives and put it in the case and use a usb for that?
If there is no more room in the tower then you will have to get either an external one or have what i have which is a tower with room for 4 Drives i have 2 Dvd roms/Dvd-/+RW, a blank slot and in one i have a hard drive which can be released and taken out when i want to remove it. A picture of this can be found below: http://www.backup-for-workgroups.com/images/removable/installation6.jpg The only space this needs is one of yours cd drive slots and in my opinion that is best for what you are looking for.
you can also do some custom work, like making a bracket to mount the drive to the access panel that comes off to get inside the compie.
Hello Auslander And Mather! Waddup Guys! Mather Always A pleasure to help with your Phone Anyway, Its not suggested, but as long as you have a spare IDE and power cable in your PC, just connect the harddrive in and leave it hanging, as long as you dont move your PC too much it shouldn't be a problem. Also, External Enclosures are quite cheap, I got mine for 20 eu. ($30) and with a normal sized hard drive you will need an AC adaptor, [They Definatley should come with it] It's Easy To install and easy to access, When you plug in the USB it will show on My Computer as a Local Disc. -When Using an External Hard Drive, Do not use it as your boot drive! -USB is ALOT slower then IDE so think this one over very well before you buy an external enclosure. Hope this helps... Edit: I just became a Member YAY!
Oh don't say Hi to me (LOL) I thought of suggesting that but having it hanging isn't a very good solution lol it pulls all the cables and leaves tension on them which isn't good for the pc at all if someone had to do that i would suggest trying to lay the hard drive on the bottom of the pc by getting a longer wire and cable rather than just having it hanging. But its your choice mather
Really, Not a problem at all... New hardrive aren't that heavy, In the Grams even these days! (Insert reminiscnet comments of the old days here] Anyway, the strain or stress of the cables isnt really a problem, just leave it hanging AWAY from any other part... You do not want a short ciruit. Well good luck! PS: Hi Rickster0! Wasssu{P?
Hi lol Like i said its his choice he now has the options lol find this thread and let us know what you decided to do ok mate
I don't understand the big problem! As long as there is not strain directly on any of the protruding PCB's he will be fine! There is no risk... wait... there is risk, but very very little! Well whatever I hope we helped... [Mather left a long while ago, rickster and i are just ranting]
Actually what i'm going to do rickster is either leave it hanging or put it in the middle between my dvd burner and my dvd rom drive and have it sorta sit on top of the dvd-rom drive bcuz my wires and cable arent long enough to hang all the way to the bottom of the tower. and thanks you all!
i use power and ide extensions so i can cuddle with my drives while i sleep,nothing like the hum of a working harddrive to put you to sleep.
Well i did say to have it between your drives and i dunno about you but i would rather sleep with my girlfriend than a hard drive lol and there is risk and you even admitted it: So...