Hey guys so I just traded my iphone for a macbook pro from a guy on Craigslist. Everything on it runs really great, but there is no mail app. I went to finder and search the whole computer, but it wasnt there. I'm not sure if the guy deleted the app or what.I also didnt get any discs so I cant reboot the mac. Do you know if there is a way to recover the system without any discs, Like setting it back to a previous restore point(I'm new to the apple scene and was always on windows.) What do you guys suggest I do, I just wanna get my .mac acct email right away-- stright to the dock. Thanks for any help...
what version of osx are you running if you are running 10.5 i can upload it for you it may block it on older versions if you dont have 10.5 like they do with most apps and if you have another mac you can just transfer the mail.app
thanks for the reply. I actually have a got the mail app from my buddy's macbook. Just dropped it into a flash drive and it worked well. Thanks for the help though.
cool but if you ever need the restore cd's for that macbook go to a apple store they can order you a set of disks cheap.
I guess it depends on the store. Most of the time I hear that you have to call Apple Care in order to get the replacements shipped to you (usually like, $30). I HIGHLY recommend holding onto your restore media in a safe, easy to access location in case you need to Archive and Install or Reinstall the OS on a new Hard drive (If you are upgrading your internal HDD). If you need the discs, save the trip to the store and call Apple Care.