Yesterday i posted with a problem of my dvd that I burned skipping all over, eventhough it wasn't damaged. I got a Blacklist of the program, and it fixed that problem. However, this time when I burned the dvd, there was no problem with the movie, no skips, but there was no menu or special features with the dvd. How do I get those with my dvd copy?
Just to further inform because my first post was kind of brief, I got my DVD burner 2 days ago. I burnt one dvd and it came out exact, with menues and extras, which I like, but it skipped. A member gave me a list of programs that might interefere, so I took them out. This fixed the problem perfectly, except when I burned it a second time the DVD just came with the movie. It had no menu or special features. Im a real newbie at this, and I am using DVD COPY X PLATINUM to burn. Are the backups supposed to have the menues or just the movies, or am I screwing something up? Thank you very much for your help.
Hi, I haven't used XCopy in a dog's age but I believe there are options for either "movie only" (no menus or extras) and "full disc" where everything gets copied. Maybe someone more familiar with XCopy will happen along............
Hi, I would like to search these forums I found for the problem you specified, but I'm kind of lazy so you can take a look. Hope that helps ! Regards, DiRect
Hi, I found another issue related to yours though it is not DVD X Copy Platinum, it's express. There must be something similar to that in your DVD X Copy Platinum since there company is the same. Hope that helps ! Regards, DiRect
Its a while since I used XCopy Platinum, however, here I Its kinda hard to miss the option for full disc back up. Just open up Platinum in simple mode, skip through the disclaimers and when you get to the Platinum workstation screen you just tick the box for full disc copy.It will then copy everything on the disc for you (the menus, extras, the lot). You can also use Dvd Shrink to do full disc backups as well.
simple mode, and when I clecked exact copy it said sumthing about the dvd being encrypted which wouldnt allow it to copy, in general is the exact copy button supposed to make a perfect backup..when it doesnt have errors, is this encryption error common?
I tired that but wen I did that it said sum stuff about encryption and it wouldnt finish the burn. Thats what happened when I clicked that button.