No Names in Title bars

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by tmr250z, Nov 22, 2006.

  1. tmr250z

    tmr250z Guest

    Ok, this is my own fault, so bear with me.

    I installed Autopatcher to try it out. I heard somewhere that Microsoft Java Machine is an unneeded app to have on your system so I decided that I would get rid of it as well as the old style Windows wallpapers. Ran Atuopatcher, selected only to uninstall the Java Machine and the old wallpapers and restarted my computer. Checked to see if the old wallpapers were gone, they were, so no problem there. I did not check out the Java Machine, because I didn't where it was originally installed, so I just assumed it was fine too. After that I uninstalled Autopatcher and restarted my computer again. Then I noticed that windows like My Documents and the C:\ folder didn't display their titles in the title bars, like in the pic below:


    Is there anything I can do, like edit a registry entry or reinstall Microsoft Java Machine or something?

    Please help because I feel so stupid messing with a program I really knew nothing about and would really like to fix my mistake.
  2. tmr250z

    tmr250z Guest

    Never mind. I restarted my computer again and now the titles are back, LOL. But still, that was strange, that has never happened before. Maybe it was just a Windows glitch, I don't know.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2006

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