i have a video on my computer and i have tried to burn it to a DVD twice. Each time it is a complete burn but when i put it in the Player it does not play beacsue it says it does not have a playback on that disc. if there is a thread already adressing this please refer me but i oculdnt find it thanks
Does the burned DVD play on the computer? If it does then its your player that might be the problem.Try changing some settings.
i treid it on all three dvd players in my house none worked but it did work on computer, i am not sure what kind of setting to play with taht why i am here
need more info! what apps used what type of project you are attempting etc etc as much info as pos...
my friend made a DVD and instead of making me a copy i just downloaded it from him, its one of his concerts. i am using full nero 7, i just took the 1.4 gig VTS file and imported it to the DVD making section... i have doen this before and it worked fine! then i wnet ahead and made the menu and every thing just like i always have then i burned it to a sony DVD, it was a complete burn with no problems... so i went to put the disc in to my player to watch and and the screen reads disc error please eject the disc playback feature may not be avaliable on this disc so then i went and put it in my computer and booted it up with the Dell stock DVD play and it worked fine... can you help
my friend made a DVD and instead of making me a copy i just downloaded it from him, its one of his concerts. i am using full nero 7, i just took the 1.4 gig VTS file and imported it to the DVD making section... i have doen this before and it worked fine! then i wnet ahead and made the menu and every thing just like i always have then i burned it to a sony DVD, it was a complete burn with no problems... so i went to put the disc in to my player to watch and and the screen reads disc error please eject the disc playback feature may not be avaliable on this disc so then i went and put it in my computer and booted it up with the Dell stock DVD play and it worked fine... can you help