I have the above mobile phone locked. Bought in Singapore and I want to use in Papua New Guinea. PNG Network is B-Mobile. IMEI: 358382002446938 Code: 0529231 Type: RH-64 Please help me to unlock this phone. Regards, John
What network was the phone locked to in Singapore? Have you attempted to insert a sim card from another carrier to see if the phone was indeed locked? Your phone is a 1600. Be sure to provide such information so that we can enable you to unlock the phone easier.
If the phone/singtel's frequency is 900 #pw+430817152745600+7# or #pw+437017155437701+1# and if the frequency is 1800 try this code: #pw+833351755060540+7# or #pw+316656335303547+1# Remember you only have 5 tries before the phone gets hardlocked. Let us know how it works out