Hi there. Could you please help me to unlock my Nokia 5070 as well? Make/model phone: NOKIA 5070 IMEI #: 354 824 014 657 782 4 Country the phone is locked in: Portugal Provider the phone is locked to: Optimus I would be greatful. email: main_chasm@hotmail.com
Hi, Displaying your E-mail addy is against forum rules! Please check your IMEI as it is invalid. Regards
Hi there Sorry about the email address, I forgot that is against the rules and I read them! About the IMEI I put all the numbers that the phone displayed to me when I put the code *#06# If you could please try again:~ Make/model phone: NOKIA 5070 IMEI #: 354 824 014 657 782 Country the phone is locked in: Portugal Provider the phone is locked to: Optimus Thanks for your cooperation Regards