Please supply ALL this information in this format: Type in these numbers or look under the battery to get the information. IMEI:Type (dial) *#06# , Firmware Version:Type (dial) *#0000# . Nokia: (Model) IMEI:############### (No spaces, no slashes) Network: (The Network the phone is locked to) Country: (The Country the above Network is in) Also any codes tried AND how many tries you have made.
Aki esta o Teu Kodigo. #pw+317526731555444+7# Only try the codes once and once only!!! Please remember you only get 3-5 attempts before your mobile becomes hardlocked. If you have already tried different codes before mine your mobile could already be hardlocked. If it is hardlocked you will get one the following messages Can Not Undo Restriction / Not Allowed If you mobile is hardlocked the only way to unlock it is by taking/sending it to a professional unlocker. Please make sure the information you give is correct before typing in the codes.