i've tried 3 times, would it matter that i have a cingular sim card and the phone is a nokia from suncom?
You can have a local professional pro reflash your phone and unlock the phone for you. There is also a postal service www.iunlock.com and they are good, fast and reliable. They should be able to help you.
that code didn't work either, i think it's locked to suncom though. if i happen to hardlock the phone does that mean my phone is locked forever? thanks
sorry that didn't work either. it just keeps saying phone restricted. i think i may have hardlocked it. am i screwed now?
did you try a sim from another company... 1. its already unlocked 2. you have hardlocked it. Only professionals can unlock your phone. PM me and I will give you a recommendation.
i thought i could only get a sim card from the company i'm with wichis cingular? my contract is up on my birthday, which is this monday. if i switched from cingular and got a different sim card could that possibly make my phone work?
Tell try one of your friend's Tmobile simcards in your phone. If it doesnt work, then your phone is HARDLOCKED.