nokia 6300 unlock code

Discussion in 'Nokia - Unlocking' started by kahlia, May 16, 2008.

  1. kahlia

    kahlia Member

    May 16, 2008
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    hey i forgot my security code can anyone help me.

    it is a nokia 6300

    please help. thnx :)
  2. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    sure dude.... your IMEI is :357671014972019
    so urmaster unlock code is :5470661127

    use this code to get into ur phone and change ur security code whenevr it prompts u for the code use this one to get into ur phone and change it back to 12345 the default

    lesson learned: dont screw around with security coded
  3. kahlia

    kahlia Member

    May 16, 2008
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    hey thanx for the code skylinegt but it isnt working. any ideas why??.when my fone asks for the security code i put in the master code and it comes up saying 'code error'. what am i doing wrong?? can someone please help i need my fone working soon.
  4. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    sorry..i think i know why your phon is kinda new so it will take some time for ppl to get around the bariers built in

    what u can do is take it to your provier and have them see what they can do with it for u or take it to a local reputable cell dealer who may be able to help u

    P>S> sorry if i sounded mean in my last post to u
    didnt get any coffee....:(
  5. kahlia

    kahlia Member

    May 16, 2008
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    thanx. my fone is with vodafone, do you know if they will be able to help if i take it to the vodafone shop?
  6. skylinegt

    skylinegt Guest

    they will definitely be able to help you i recommend that u talk to them and carry in ur phone....

    u could try a master reset....however u will loose anything that isnt on your simm card all ur preferances numbers and text messages that arent stored on the simm card will be lost...

    please carry in your phone to your cellular provider or a reputable phone shop andask their advice....and since oure there i recommend that u unlock it one time so u can u the phone with diffeent simm cards hope all goes well


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