noob in japan

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Mems, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. Mems

    Mems Member

    Jan 23, 2008
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    hey, planning on buying a ds lite, micro sdhc, and a flashcart this weekend.

    i'm actually in japan right now and i hear that r4s are all over akihabara, but in all honestly i'm really bent on getting the m3ds real or cyclo..

    but then when i started researching, i came across dtts, the ack rpg (something like that), and i've been looking at video reviews on youtube as well.

    although i'm sure that people have answered this kind of question before, please, i would really like some unbiased opinions.

    i would like fast loading times and good compatibility with homebrews - i'll be primarily using it for nds games and homebrews - and gba compatibility would be real nice (for all those rpgs i never could afford way back when)

    anyway, one other important quality is the user interface. i looked at m3 real ds and the text totally turns me off. cyclo ds evo's gui looks pretty slick. any suggestions?

    or.. would different skins on m3 ds real or other flashcarts change the font and stuff too?

    btw: on micro sdhc and micro sd, which should i get?
    i'm looking at carrying a good 10 to 20 nds games, some gba rpgs, and would like to put some music on the rest of the space?

    the biggest capacity card? and what do the different classes mean? compatibility issues?

    any tips for first time buyers?

    oh by the way, the really shoddy spring in the r4 which i've seen my friends experience, totally turn me off from buying an r4

    thanks in advance

  2. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    If you really need to have SDHC you should go with the M3 DSR (DS real) or CycloDS. M3DSR if you want easy access to GBA gaming as it is available with a slot-2 card. Not sure which slot-2 cards work with the CycloDS though.

    If you can live without SDHC I would totally recommend the M3 DSS (DS simply). Not so much the R4, unless you get it from a reputable seller. I own both and the spring on the R4 is totally messed up. I have to push the microSD card in like 15-20 times before I can get it to stay in. With the M3 DSS though, I have never had a problem with it.

    I using a 1GB kingston and find it can hold about 30 games tops.
    Though I don't have that many on it, as I have a bunch of homebrew and comics that take up space. So I usually have around 20. Trimmed of course, to reduce their size.

    There is also a slot-2 card available for the M3 DSS and R4 so that you can play GBA titles. It is called the EZ-Flash 3-1 and costs about $25.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2008
  3. jodiebex

    jodiebex Guest

    Dont let the shoddy spring of the R4 put you off, cos the new version (2) R4 is not spring loaded - just push in (like the M3 simply)

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