I have a modded xbox with an executor 3. I have been happily using it for over a year but I finally wanna change the hard drive. I have done lots of reading on this but I'm now stuck. I need to go into system utils and do a backup but there is no backup option in my menus. I have Evox +3935 on my xbox if that is any help. If anyone can help me out or point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.
I have a slayers 2.6 disk, is that the autoinstaller one? The xbox boots into evox (says evox +3935 in the top left hand corner of the screen). I have ftp'd with the xbox before so I'm okay with that.
Yes, I'm ready to install the new hdd but I just need to do a backup. All the guides I have read so far say you should go into system utils and select backup from the menu but I can't find one on my xbox. This is where I am stuck.
Ah, I think I know where you are going now. I'm not actually doing the drive till this weekend, just trying to sort everything out. I wanna put the latest xbmc on so I can put all my mp3's on there. I have a 120 gb maxtor to play around with and if this all works then maybe I'll get a bigger one. Which dir would I put the latest xbmc into once it's all up and running and which dir would I store my videos and mp3's in?
Ok, I will give that a try. Will I still be able to play all my games though with xbmc as the default dashboard? Is c: where I put all my mp3's? Thanks for helping me out here by the way.
Try this on the new hdd NOT on the working hdd. Put all mp3 in musics folder on the F drive, movies on movies folder on F drive, and pics on pictures folder on F drive. YOu have to create those folders though. Xbmc will see them.