I know this isnt a dvd backup question but you guys know just about everything,so I am having a debate(heated) as one of my friends says i shouldn't use Norton Antivirus 2004 as it contains viruses of its own?
Well if your friends want to be a picky about it, any set of code can be viral -- but thats stupidly picky. For any normal discussion, Norton Antivirus is fine.
Why would Norton a company who has made a virus protection for a while now and always worked fine and had some awards decide "Oh lets screw people up so they wont buy our next product by putting viruses in this one" I meen common they do it to get money and I dont think putting viruses in software will help them get money.
he reckons they put stuff on there so they can read whats on yr computer personally i think he is full of it...off to tell him so, thanx!
Oh well tell him hes wrong even though there are programs I know of that can do that to you but Norton detects that virus its called a Backdoor Virus
norton antivirus does contain a nasty BUT only if it is a pirated version. How do i know well i downloaded a copy and registered it using an internet password et voila a new motherboard had to be purchased as norton had written a nasty to the bios (no it could not be reset). So is it cheaper to buy norton in the first place or buy a new motherboard? I chose to buy norton after losing a motherboard.
Barney... I'm trying to refrain from laughing, but when you download stuff, it may contain viruses. The virus in the "pirated" version would not have been inserted by Symantec but by stupid f00ls who think they're cool. Oh and you probably used Kazaa, so I wouldn't surprised. But about "written into the BIOS", is that even possible?
no it wasn't downloaded from kazaa it was a copy of an original disk. the point i was trying to make is that if you do use copied software then sometimes it might not be in your best interests.
Well i installed it anyhow and it don't know about viruses but it kept locking my system up....aargh! Know any good freeware progs i could use, have trendcillin running but i would like something else as a backup.