i used Nero to burn it, clicking the "Make a DVD-Video". I add the video i wanted to test out, and i see video, but hear no audio. what could be the problem? or should i try some other software?
Somethings like a PS2 or Xbox are very picky about the media that is played in it. Do you have a stand alone player to try it out on? Also is this DVD a back-up to a store bought disc?
First of all, what Nero app was used? There's a bunch of them in the suite. If you were transcoding a factory DVD, you should have been using Recode 2. To play on a PS2 or XBox, the Dolby sound track should be retained. Second, you should post Nero problems in the Nero section.
Yup, PS2s do not like DVD-RW. Apparently they can only be played in the first model. Also don't try to boot games from these discs, your laser can be friend from a single boot apparently. -Mike