please help, i am total novice with pc's i click on a program and 3 mins later it pops up or it comes up not responding, end program. i am trying to delete a avi file(film) but it wont let me, it says that it is running in a program somewhere else and to shut it down first.please can anyone help with these problems thanks
hello arrygrout usually what works for me when that happens is shuting down the pc and than starting it back up about a minute later and than just go to the file ur trying to delete and delete it than it should work but dont open it see if that works for you
maybe the computer runs it at the computer start point, he may want to ctrl alt delete and see on what programs are running, and if its there end task it and than try deleting it if possible.
go into safe mode with networking, and then see if u can then delete the file. Also do spyware and virus cheks to see if there either of those present as those might also be causing you problems.
my pc starts up automatic, at what point do i press f5 or f8, done the checks no virus and removed a few spywares,whats networking? i know i ask a lot of daft questions but i am a newbie thanks
Don't worry about the questions that is why we are here When your Bios screen comes up after rebooting press (or hold) f5 or f8, you need to press it b4 the Windows loading screen comes up.