Hello everyone! I'm a long time reader first time poster of this forum! Before I go on I should say I have had a look at the FAQ's and guides, but I've not found what I'm looking for, if I've missed it then please point me in the direction of the guide I'm looking for. Reacently I got a DVD burner, which I'm totally in love with. To make a long story short, one of my friends and I enjoy watching a movie on a friday night, howevr his little brother and sister have no regard for technology, and while his DVD player still works, its got so many crumbs and rubbish in it, it tends to ruins discs. In steps me with my DVD burner so I don't have to use my store brought copies when I go to watch films there. Hurrah for technology. Allow me to explain my backup method so anyone who answers has the full story. I've got myself a copy of anyDVD which works like a charm and a copy of DVD shrink, imgTool and imgBurn. My copying steps: 1. Put the dvd in the drive 2. Open dvd shrink (open dvd, allow it to scan, reauthor, select only the movie, click backup) 3. I output the movie to my HDD 4. Open imgTool and make an ISO 5. Open imgBurn and burn it to a disc I have a few questions. 1. Can I just use the build mode in imgBurn rather than using imgTool - they basically do the same thing, right? 2. When making the ISO do I select the parent directory (containing the Audio and Video TS directories, or can I just select the video directory? 3. Booktyping. As far as I can tell, this is a compatibility thing? My LG drive allows me to change to DVD ROM, is it the "best pratice" to do this for all the DVDs I'm making copies of? Thanks for your help, Matt
1) U can use IMGBUrn to create the ISO. Here's a guide: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/383878 2) Video Folder. See above guide. 3) If you're burner can booktype/bitset that u should always burn your +R discs that way to maximize compatibility.
Excellent! Thanks for the advice. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't about to make a really silly mistake.
Just a sugestion for you carino. You can have DVDShrink output an ISO file and just burn the ISO file with IMGBurn. When you click on backup and the window comes up for the burn prefrences follow the directions below to output an ISO file. That way you will not have to create the ISO in IMGBurn because it already will be an ISO file if you set DVDShrink to output an ISO file.
and if you want more information on booktyping/bitsetting then here ya go: http://k-probe.com/bitsetting-booktype-faq.php