I have a whole bunch of wma and avi video files on my hard drive. My question is what software is out there so I can create a DVD with these? I don't want to shrink them or change them to .vob files. I just want to know if there is any downloadable software to put these files onto a DVD. Thanks in advance.
durda111 , Welcome to the forum. If all you want to do is put the files on a DVD you can use the free 21 day trial version of Nero to burn the files to DVD. If you are wanting to do more w/ the compilation please post exactly want you want to do
Thanks for the welcome. Now that I think of it I have something called ArcSoft, but when I try to create a DVD from the video files with it the files increase dramatically in size. For example, I have one file that is 183MB, but when I try to convert it to the DVD it marks it at about 2.4GB. I don't know exactly what can be done about this so if anyone out there knows I would appreciate it. Thank You.
Hello durda111. If you want to keep the AVIs as AVIs, they must be burnt as data to a DVD. Converting the AVIs to make then DVD compliant will indeed increase the file size dramatically. Some standalone players can play raw AVIs. Most need the AVIs converted to make them DVD compliant.
I tried to play the burnt avi files and it wouldn't play on any of my DVD players but it does play on my PC. I will try something else.
Hello again. If your standalone players don't play raw AVIs, you'll have to make them DVD compliant to be able to play them. They will expand in size, however.
Hello. There's a bunch of programs available. Among them are: VSO's ConvertXtoDVD: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ DVD Copy 4 Platinum: http://www.intervideo.com/jsp/InterVideoDVDCopy_Profile.jsp TMPGEnc Express 3: http://tmpgenc.pegasys-inc.com/en/product/te3xp.html DVD Santa: http://www.dvdsanta.com/ The Film Machine: http://members.home.nl/thefilmmachine/ NeroVision: http://ww2.nero.com/enu/index.html All have free trials. ConvertX and DVD Santa watermark the trial version output. If you want to create menus, NeroVision Express can do that. You could use any of them and then use TMPGEnc Author (free trial) to make menus as well if that is your deire.
VSO ConvertXDvd works great. The basic version will do a no frills job in converting most media formats into a DVD file structure.
I have tried VSO ConvertXtoDVD, but it says that it will leave a watermark. Is there a free converter that won't have a watermark?
What is the best free converter for wmv? I forgot I have some wmv clips that I want to burn as well. Thank You.