not sure of what chip i should buy

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by BadDagger, May 16, 2005.

  1. BadDagger

    BadDagger Regular member

    Apr 5, 2005
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    i been looking at a few chips but not sure of wich one i should get but i do know that i want a solder less chip
    if some people could help me out and tell me what the diff between these chips i am looking at ( like can they do the same thing. Can they let me play emulations on my xbox.. can they let me play dvd movies with out the playback kit.... can they let me store games on a hard drive and stuff like that and what chip is just better and can just do more.. also which chips will have new updated to flash then with to make the keep up with new games that come out. also wich chip will let me play games with out any patching. also what type of dvd can the chip read like all types cheap or not chip dvd- dvd+ rw or r

    Xenium SP.ICE
    Xecuter 3 CE

    thoes are which chips i really like but i need some help deciding
    alos what does this mean
    Emergency Recovery System (ERS
    -Built-in EEPROM utilities
    -Backup EEPROM for flashing
    -Restore EEPROMS from flash
  2. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    it depends on what version xbox you have and whether or not you want to solder.

    if you are planning on soldering i recommend the x3(best chip) now if you are gonna go solderless and have xbox version 1.0-1.5 i would also recommend the x3...but if you have a 1.6 xbox go with the solderless xenium(xenium spice)...there is not a solderless option for x3 on 1.6 xbox.

    both are good chips, the best 2 as a matter of fact, but the x3 is by far the better chip.

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