Not sure what subject header to use - so daugher in Cardiff

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by paulob, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. paulob

    paulob Member

    Dec 25, 2008
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    The daughter lives/works in Cardiff. She and her housemates have Virgin cable. Me I have a defunct Starview 2 box. So my question is - If I gave her the box to take back would it work for them? She's home on hols at the moment.

    Her cable comes into the the house and is connected to a Virgin box. If she was to replace the virgin box with the starview would it work? If so I presume by looking in some of the libraries I would find the correct codes for her to enter.

    Thanks in advance


    M1CHAELD Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    as far as i am aware virgin in the uk are still running on nagra 1 so the starview 2 should work in cardiff. you will find the software needed in the library. some of the senior members might verify this info for you.
  3. munster17

    munster17 Member

    Aug 12, 2009
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    yes all box run on virgin
  4. breslb

    breslb Member

    Jul 11, 2008
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    If she does a factory reset then an automatic scan and turns emu back on she will get all the channels
  5. paulob

    paulob Member

    Dec 25, 2008
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    Thanks for the replies - will talk her throught it when she goes back and see what happens
  6. daithi55

    daithi55 Regular member

    Dec 8, 2008
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  7. paulob

    paulob Member

    Dec 25, 2008
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    Unfortunately, all hasn’t gone to plan. So I think I need some help or assistance in finding the information I may be looking for.

    The story so far. Got daughter to plug it in – and do the following

    Menu - Factory setting (Password 0000) Click OK to delete – Language - Select  English.

    Installation – I got her to auto tune to TW. Zippo, nothing.

    Tried C&W, NTL and then Chorus. Bingo 400+ channels appeared. Back to main menu – 1570, turn emu on.

    Selected 402 which was Premier 1 hour I think she said, anyway updating 0, 10, 50, 80, 100, then 120 and up to 150%. Falls over and starts over again.

    Did this a few times – right says I – back to start Menu - Factory setting (Password 0000) Click OK to delete


    I then asked her to switch the box off at the back, 30 secs later switch it back on again. Language , autotune to chorus exit 1570 emu – also got her to “set default key”

    Back to channels and it seems to stick on zero% - Tried that twice and that’s where it stands now. She would have left it updating for 2 mins probably and still at zero %.

    Asked her to look into the Nagravision menu – it opens showing NTL – she keyed round to Chorus and hit OK – did not get her to change any codes in it.

    So – where am I going wrong or am I? Should I let her leave it updating for 5-10 mins and it would kick in or is it something to do with the codes and if so, could someone maybe pm me a link to where I could find them for Virgin in Cardiff.


  8. piopat

    piopat Active member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    if its updating and getting no where the software needs updating,you can most likely find what you need by clicking on the link in my signature. you could also manually input codes if you think flashing might be beyond you(flashing is the method of putting the software in to the box)i cant give you codes but i could talk you through how to enter them,but i would recommend updating the software as then the box will automatically update the codes by itself.
  9. malci

    malci Guest

    The provider to scan on for Cardiff is NTL, also everything is fine with the SV2 The Box, so you need to put the API ver 4.57e_E release date 22nd Dec. 2008. So get that checked out in System Information and if it has not been installed then flash that Firmware on the box and you will not need to ask for the dreaded C**** it will update them, you will find what you require in Eamo's FTA Library.
  10. paulob

    paulob Member

    Dec 25, 2008
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    Sorry - apologies - grovelling - I got the starview box name wrong - it's the "the box super", from following different threads it's also called the starview 3, I think.

    Before I gave it to her I had it working here up to the Nag 2 update earlier this year. Checking my hard disc I have GTRom_Super_8.04e.exe downloaded so I assume I installed it onto that box. The system info is - API ver 7.09e_E : Boot version 8.0 and the date of it is 17/6/2008. Is that the contents of GTRom_Super_8.04e.exe??.

    She was going out tonight so I asked her to leave it on trying to update from the 1% and see what happens. If it can update itself then maybe it will!!

    Malci, when she was trying to scan the channels the only provider that would dl them was chorus, and having read different threads would agree with you, as TW were bought by Virgin, who then when into "partnership" or something with NTL.

    So I suppose for starters if someone confirms that I at least have the right firmware on it??, beginning to think I haven't, I can try and take it from there


  11. malci

    malci Guest

    Sorry for not getting back to you paulob, been busy. For starters No you do not have the up to date Firmware on the box it is the GTRom_Super_8.04e. December 2008 and if it say's API ver 7.09e_E then that is what is on the box, there was another release the GTRom_Super_8[1].02e_081129 since the 7.09, so flash it with the 8.04. As regards the provider - I can assure you that VM NTL is the provider for Cardiff, Chorus is Ireland provider as I am sure your aware of, so can't really fathom that one.

    Edit :- Starview 3 The Box Super.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2009
  12. paulob

    paulob Member

    Dec 25, 2008
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    No problem Malci. Thanks for the reply. Fortunately I still have a another starview 3 at home here doing nothing, so I will update it and if the weather is good next weekend 2nd Oct head over for the weekend with the box in tow and see will it all fall into place.

    If that idea fails she is back mid Oct so give it to her to bring back. Will let the thread know the outcome.

    Thanks once again

  13. malci

    malci Guest

    Not a problem, I am sure you will sort it when flashed with the 8.04 Firmware, cheers and good luck :)

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