not your regular Pot question

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by chunkYE, May 18, 2006.

  1. chunkYE

    chunkYE Member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    ok, here's the deal. I've got a Pal gamecube with a qoob sx installed and it is wokring pretty good. I changed my pot to 200 and the games were working flawlessly, so later that night I jacked it up to about 220 or 250, can't quite remember, because I had read that you should set your pot to the highest you could get with the games still working. So it's been like this for about a month and I've noticed something, when some games are loading (Burnout 2 & Timesplitters: Future Perfect) occasionally the gamecube will start making noises like it is trying to read the same section of the disc over and over again, and the loading bar will stop. after a while, maybe 20 seconds, the noise will stop and it will keep loading. Now i'm wondering if this is a problem with my discs or should I reduce the pot setting a bit... oh and also my real copy of super monkey ball freezes after putting your name in the high scores, and I couldn't see any major scratches on the disc.

  2. XtraZero

    XtraZero Regular member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Do you have any tweaks enabled in the Qoob menu? Mine tends to freak sometimes with legit games when I have force progressive on.

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