Hi Gang I am a newbie here. I got NTL digital for my elderly father 2 years ago. He likes his sports. So he has his digital box downstairs and 2 basic cable points upstairs. I bought a Eurovox for the bedroom but as I am already an NTL customer and Sky plus customer I decided to give the Eurovox to my dad....to save him the cash My question is (and is probably a stupid one) when i went over to fit the eurovox the white cable would not go into eurovox(probably because its a digital connection as it works perfectly for him upstairs on normal cable. If you are still with me!!!! Is there any simple solution to allow my father to watch the eurovox downstairs instead of in the bedroom. He still has the baic digital pack with NTL and box downstairs at the moment Any sinple solutions? cossy
If the end of the connector is a screw-on type you will just need to change the connector , you can buy them in any electrical shop for a few pence lol How to do here : http://www.satcure.co.uk/tech/fconn.htm
the aerial connection he has probably has a nut u tighten to make a connection to unit,with ur box has push in connections,to join his lead u will need an F CONNECTOR ,e bay or tv shop should stock them