I updated to each nVidia v175.16 and v178.13 and both returned issues. v175 was worse in that I got no clear display on 2nd monitor as standard TV. It was in very slanted color waves. V178 was OK and I can see clone view but if I enabled dual view, I got no support for full-screen on TV because the tab to modify full-screen on TV was missing. The LCD is a Toshiba 20" w/ res a mild res of 14??x900 and the TV is a cathode tube widescreen but in S-video mode and usually run as 1024x768 (yes, all this worked fien since firmware v169.21). The GPU is an older GeForce 6600-GT. I am working under XP x64 Pro SP-2. Is the older GPU as much of an issue here? I did get some sort of errors w/ both something about on screen display or something failed ahd windows had to stop bla bla bla, something something, forgot to write it down. I went back to older v169.21 and all is OK. So I am just curious if nVidia is failing to support an older GPU. They were or ghave been known to keep older GPU's up to date for the most part. Any ideas? I did do the uninstall and reinstall of a few and 169.21 is the one that works for right now.
read this before you update your drive http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?act=ST&f=33&t=78299 found this out only after i did an update