OK i got a interesting problem i need help with!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dvdfreak1, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. dvdfreak1

    dvdfreak1 Regular member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    ok, i rip dvd movies to my hardrive with dvdshrink with anydvd running in the backround,i then proceed to burn onto a blank dvd disc with nero.everything is great.every dvd player i attempt to play the burnt copy on easily loads and plays flawlessly.

    heres my problem.

    when i aquire a movie in divx, avi,xvid,or mpeg format,i then convert it to dvd format with using either convertxtodvd or winavi(i own both).it then converts it to dvd format giving it audio and video ts folders,right? well when im done converting to dvd format,i then proceed to burn onto a blank disc with nero.when i go to play this dvd copy on any of my 3 standlaone players in my house,2 of the players say "disc error" and one wont load at all.the disc will play on my computer though.i tried it on my uncles and cousins standalone dvd players,same thing,wont load or play.my question is why is this happening even though ive converted the movie to dvd format?
  2. hermes_vb

    hermes_vb Regular member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Does the new movie in the VIDEO_TS folder plays in WinDVD/PowerDVD, etc? Have you ever tried to eliminate the possibility it's the converter app?
  3. dvdfreak1

    dvdfreak1 Regular member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    it plays in power dvd yes.i dont think its the media either cause im usin authentic yudens.my burner is a rebagged lite on sony dru 710a,if this helps.and i always burn at 4x.my dma is enabled.im booktyping the discs.cant figure out why my avi,xvid movies that i convert to dvd format then burn to a disc wont load or play on any of my standalone players,but movies i rip from actual dvds then burn on a blank load and play just fine.oh i just popped one of these discs in my little portable dvd player and it loaded and played fine.but i tried it on 5 different standalones all completely different models and wont even load.
  4. hermes_vb

    hermes_vb Regular member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Do you have the correct format (PAL/NTSC) selected? Is the Audio/Video bitrate DVD compliant? I don't know what else to think. Frankly it beats me.

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