my xbox is modded i put a few new trainers on it and reboot it the next thing i know it keeps restarting and it never stops wtf do i do???? plz help!!!!!!!
i put them in the c/trainers folder they were .etm so every thing should have worked fine. i need help really bad i even tried using slayers auto installer iso plz i need help bad!!!!!
games work fine but you have to put the game in then restart cause it keeps restarting it goes to the big x then the miscrosoft under it then bam restart
can someone plz help me!!!!!!! and i ddint make backups cuz i didnt think i needed emm and dont reply just to say dude your dumb....
Well fire your xbox up to dash and take the trainers out. Have you tried more than one, and read any instructions about which cheats can be active at the same time?
lol dude i cant get to dash i cant even ftp all i can do is watch as it restarts over and over again.....but i can play games
do you have a slayer CD? if not get one and boot it up you may be able to do something from it to fix your problem. or boot up the game u used to softmod the xbox
well its complacated i went into my gamesave and deleted linux file so i cant get back to the blue dash thing with all the info and i cant mess with my gamesaves now and i dont got linux profile on there no more and then i cant ftp it on there and my slayer cd dont work cuz it sits there for 5 minutes then restarts maybe i made cd wrong but idk
yea lol but i dont got that kind of money and to whoever is puting those gay images on here plz stop its anoying, god...
well yea duh but he can atleast post it not flood the chat with huge pics jeeze i just want info this sucks so much lol
...then start typing properly, you know, in English. These Forums are not a gigantic mobile phone you know. Oh, and in future, don't title threads so badly.
it was you!!!! lol jeeze i cant type good not my fault gos i jus wntd tooo postt a helping thingabib lol need help!!!!!