Is this true, if your usb flash drive is compatible, you can use it as ram as long as you have windows vista? Also if this is true, my computer is limited to 2gb because of the motherboard, will it still support this? This would be the perfect answer to my current problem. maybe that link will help you!
your usb flash drive you can use it on vista is call ready boost, what it does it store information on the programs you run the most to the flash drive so when you access the program they lunch quicker. i try it it works ok, i guess if you have a bigger flash drive it would work better, i only have 256 mb flash drive. To enable ready boost on the flash drive, just plug it to your usb. click on my computer, and when it opens rigth click on your flash drive and go on properties, you will see a tab call ready boost, click on it, and click use this device. click apply and your done.