ONE BIG IEEE 1394A+B Recording Problem HELP!!!!!

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by SDF_GR, Nov 10, 2005.

  1. SDF_GR

    SDF_GR Regular member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    Help i am going to rip my head of....I can't thing anything else

    System:Laptop P4M 2Ghz - 1GBRam - Win2000Pro(SP4) - 1 IEEE 1394A 4Pin OnBoard Texas Ins - 1 PCMCIA Card IEEE1394A 2ports 6pin Via Chipset - SONY DRU710A DVD-RW±SL -DL(IDE External Frame)

    Connection:(This time)From PCMCIA with 1.80m(6ft)cable to HDDrive(IDE External Frame) and from the HDD with 30cm(1ft) cable to the DVD-RW.

    The Problem: "ONLY when Recording" and "ONLY with DVD disc's" (Data or Image files no difference)
    Some times the Recorder freezes and keeps spining but increasing as well the RPM's to the "Rev limiter"(Toasted Disc).It can spinn for ever tested up to 4hours.

    Keeps doing it With/At/Tryied...
    Any speed
    Any Brand Disc's or any type SL±/-DL
    Another recorder(Nec i can't remeber the model)
    Firmware update(recorder)
    I have Connected the recorder to a Desktop PC and works Perfect
    I have changed from the PCMCIA cart IEEE1394A to IEEE1394B
    All the interface settings in all programs
    Changed multiple times the the Daisy Chain connection(thanks earth2rob)in any way... 1st HDD 2nd DVD-RW - 1 device to each PCMCIA port,1 device to PCMCIA cart and the other to the onboard 4pin IEEE1394A e.t.c Nothing just the same thing.
    No matter from where the data is going to the recorder internal or external hard Drive.
    External hard drive data transfer speed 27~33Mb
    Downloaded Aspi drivers(Worst the data transfer whent down to 7mb)
    Fresh windows(I have even tryied that stupid clown XP)

    *When this is happening non of the burning softwares reports Error. They just freez too... and i will have to close them from the task manager or power off the DVD-RW.
    Programms that i have used: DVD Decrypter - Alchol 120% - Gamejack - Nero - and all the Slysoft familly.
    And this is happening randomly there is no a specific area e.x at 30%.It can be happend at 1% or at 99% even at the Lead-in is happennig some times.

    Any Suggestions???
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2006
  2. earth2rob

    earth2rob Member

    May 15, 2004
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    That sort of thing happened to me after installing Decrypter. But I was using ALI USB, not Firewire. (Wish I was using firewire)

    Both recorders work fine installed directly to IDE right?
    You checked your sony drive?
    You can still read the hard drive no matter what right?

    All I can think is software. Did your burner come external or did you put in a external box? If it came external and the software that sony sent with the burner doesn't work complain to sony. See if you are the only one.

    One thing I might try if I were you...
    Try dissabling your onboard firewire in the bios.
    Use the PCIMCIA Firewire.
    Or the other way around, just be sure that you have only one firewire bus on your computer.

    Hell dude these things suck. I wish stuff just worked like it says it does.
  3. SDF_GR

    SDF_GR Regular member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    Both recorders worked perfect pluged to Desktop PC straight to IDE.
    The hard Drive Seagate 7200 8mb cache works perfect "every day" no matter what,even when the recorder problems.
    I've puted HDDrive and DVD-rw to frames.Both frames have 80pin ide cable.
    I can't disable the Firewire from bios .I can and i have disabled Serial-Parallel-Floppy controller and Drive.
    This is happenning before i have installed the PCMCIA FW controller,i was facing the same problems with the onboard firewire too.
    Exactly the same problem only when burning DVD's.
    I have this problem now over a year i have asked all the people that i could one can even think something to suggest me.Even the slidest idea.
    The only thing that i can think is that i have (bealive it or not)almost all my devices to IRQ7
    1 - Keyboard
    7 - Radeon
    - X2 USB Controller
    - Modem
    - Sound Card
    - X2 PCMCIA Card Bus Controller
    - PCMCIA IEEE 1394b Controller
    8 - System Cmos/real time clock
    9 - MS ACPI-Comp
    12 - Touchpad (Irq is deafault from Bios)
    13 - Numeric ....
    14 Pri IDE Ch
    15 Sec IDE Ch
    2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 10 - 11 Free
    and i have disabled from bios before format and i
    haven't enable them yet.
    - Serial
    - Parallel
    - Floppy DDrive and Controller
    Plus I have disable from Win device manager the
    following onboard devices that can't be disbled from
    bios both of them are installed in IRQ 7
    - 4 pin Texas Ins. IEEE1394a
    - Realtek Ethernet Adapter
    Windows says that you can change the IRQs for each device but ... as many things is windows is just in "theory"....
    And i can't change to linux(I don't know them at all I have only worked on them for only 2 days but i can learn)cos my video card is a very very strange Ati and every time i have tryied to intall them (tryied 4-5 different verions)they hit in the Xfree server.

    I am doomed to make toasted DVD's!!!!
    Thank you for replying!!!!
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2005
  4. earth2rob

    earth2rob Member

    May 15, 2004
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    Has DVD dcrypter ever been installed on that system?
    Do the Firewire frames work on your desktop?
    Or on other peoples computers. (ones without DVD Dcrypter)
    Do the dvd drives Read?

    I've been where you are for about A year too. Hell I posted here for help on this very same thing in early 2004. I gave up. Now I just use a hard drive with it to bring large files into work.
  5. SDF_GR

    SDF_GR Regular member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    Dvd Decrypter is installed is my fav burning software Decrypter is not the problem cos from the time i have bought the external DVD-RW i have formated the laptop multiple times and i have tested the recorder with or without any of the software you have seen above.Before 3 months i have made a new patricion to install winxp just for this reason.i have tested them with no SP then i have installed SP1 then SP2...nothing happend same things...
    Both frames works perfect to a desktop pc connected to a PCI Firewire card,i haven't found yet a motheboard with onboard firewire to test it.
    The dvd-rw reads perfect at full speed.

    I don't know man i have runned out from ideas...
    and as you can see noone else has replyed and i believe that many people has read this topic but noone knows... is a very very odd problem.
    Thanks man if you are bored and you don't reply again i wont blame
  6. earth2rob

    earth2rob Member

    May 15, 2004
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    I gave up on mine. Now I use it just at work. If the only thing different is the laptop I would think it had something to do with the Firewire card. You already uptated the drivers on the Firewire card I guess. You could check with maker of the card to see what chips it uses then check to see if you can get one without those chips.

    One thing I have done that is helpful to me, I don't have many external devices anymore. I keep the things I used to have in external boxes in extra computers now. Hard drives and burnerd I access remotely. I still get the extra storge and burning plus I get a little extra horsepower when i have a lot of moves to encode.
    Thats just what I do. I had the junk laying around anyway.
  7. SDF_GR

    SDF_GR Regular member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    I know the Chipset, is Via(usually good chipset) i have posted it to the top of the page.The onboard is Texas(IEEE 1394A)and i have tryied as you have read before Ali that never worked not even with the hard
    drive.There are no driver updates.When i bought the card the box didn't have drivers,it is supposed that windows have drivers,and the Ali that had one 4pin and one 6 pin IEEE1394B and 2 USB2.0 ports had a cd with only the usb2.0 drivers.the problem isn't from the card as i have said before i had the same problems with the onboard firewire.I believe it is a software problem.
    Something else (in case that you haven't worked with a external firewire hard disk).A BIG device safety difference between the firewire connection with the usb connection is that with the firewire when you unplug the HDD from the taskbar icon the disk stops spinning and then you can turn off the power safelly without hearing that annoying "jing" noise,and if you don't do that and you just turn off the power,windows reports error,something about the data coulden't be saved to local drive... i can recall it,is been a long time from the last time i seen it.(I have bought a UPS).From the other side usb don't do that and when you turn off the disk you just wish to be still alive when you turn it back on.this is one of the reasons that i have bought firewire from the begining.

    I have thought of that,to buy a cheap PC to install winNT that can run even at amstrad6128(joking),and connect it through Lan or firewire with the laptop and have it like big storage device and connect all the peripheral devices printer-scaner e.t.c. too.I think this is the best solution.
    The only thing that i hate is that if i do that i will have to
    enable some services that i have dissabled to win2k and increase the memory usage of the laptop ...but i will not waste disc's anymore.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2005
  8. earth2rob

    earth2rob Member

    May 15, 2004
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    It would be great if things always worked the way that they are advertised. Yeah I would love to have about 3 DVD burners on Firewire and a nice external raid5 on firewire would be nice too. But with the cost and the chances that sometimes things just don't work (Or I'm not educated enough to get them working) I've decided to keep things simple.

    Sorry about your drive issues. Might I suggest the Disk Juggler network burn console to burn from you laptop? It works for me.
  9. SDF_GR

    SDF_GR Regular member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    I haven't even heard for this program before.I am downloading it right now and i will post the results.
    The price(at least here in greece) between firewire and usb external devices is allmost the same.I have bought the external frame for the hard disk 30 euros and for the DVD Recorder 40 euros allmost 2 years ago and the firewire PCMCIA card 30 euros total cost 100 euros.If i have boughted same things in USB 2.0 the price would be 5 to max 10 euros cheaper.
    Unless you meen to buy a firewire frame with the HDD/DVD allready inside...that needs alot of euros...

    Thanks very much rob for your time.
  10. earth2rob

    earth2rob Member

    May 15, 2004
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    Good luck

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