i downloaded it and it says error invalid w/e then i got the iso of it put it on a dvd-r still didnt boot up what am i doing wrong i got vista homke prermuuim
First up, edit your thread title to something more descriptive (as per the rules) so the Mods won't close it, then delete that file and do a reg clean. Make a restart and download again. Drag and drop that ISO file to a virtual drive and run the app from there. Why bother putting it on a dvd when the app is so small? Bypass all that and mount it...job done. EDIT: spelling.
thanks how do i make it start, i rebooted my pc i got it saved to a disc,i rebooted the cd nothing happened..l.,
why are we helping a n00b with computer password cracking? .. most people who need to do that have stolen hardware.. or are attempting to break in where they aren't allowed. Why don't people RTFM?? http://apps.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/ophcrack/index.php?title=Ophcrack_Support