going to attempt to fix my old broken Phat Ds Here is a Picture of how it is broken (s0rry about picture quality as you can see its snapped in half im assuming im going to need a new upper screen planning on getting this one http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.3189 i still see the hinge barrels inside not sure if they are broken waiting for my trigram screw driver to find out when i push the power button the screen flashes then powers off im sure the batterys not dead it charges im assuming something became disconnected thats how the hinge cracked and fell off in the first place so do you think ill need a replacement bottom screen does connecting the top lcd screen require any special tools to connect it and could some one link me a guide =D and if you know a place for cheaper parts and cheap housing replacements please post a link i want a teal or turquoise color or just any good housing replacement
Your pictures are poor. I can't tell if you need a new upper screen or not. You need to do some more homework before taking on this project. You probably don't need a new upper screen but you definitely need a new ribbon cable (moderately hard to find) and a new wireless antenna board (very hard to find). With a new case you are already about $45-50 USD into parts if nothing else is broken. If you8 lost the hinge barrels you are SOL since these are not available other than by buying a broken unit. Replacement shell kits DO NOT include the hinge barrels. IMHO, (speaking from the experience of having repaired/rebuilt over 30 NDS/NDSL), you should seel your broken one (you might be able to get $30-40 for it. and go buy a new NDSL.
i have the #00 screw driver and the trigram already is this all you think ill need? So far my total is 15.00 10.00 5.00 + 7.00 ________ 37.00$ and i might not need new hinge barrels i see the hinges in there so my total becomes 37.00 - 5.00 _______ 32.00$ and minus the 16 From an online cash Survey site wich i use and they order stuff for me 32.00 -16.00 ______ 16.00$ for a new ds XD plus anything else that may need to be fixed and i already have a Nintendo DS Lite i wanted to fix this one for my little sister who doesnt have a ds she feels left out because the rest of the kids in my family have one o_o
New wireless board. If you snapped the unit in half and the thin black coax cable is broken or worn, you will need this part. If you don't replace this part, the DS will function but Wi-fi will not work past a range of 2 ft. Good luck.