Oppo upscaling

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by alseides, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. alseides

    alseides Guest

    The Oppo OPDV971H DVD player has recently clamed the throne in affordable upscaling DVD players. A good review can be found here http://www.dvdtalk.com/features/004343.html

    However, it's superb upscaling is only accessible with a DVI/HDMI cable. My Sony 57" XBR widescreen only has component inputs. So my question is this - how will the picture quality be affected if I use a DVI to component adapter?
  2. alseides

    alseides Guest

    Anything? I just want to know how the picture would be affected if I took a DVI output from the DVD player and used an adapter to change it to component so I can plug it into my TV.

    Will upscaling the DVD to 1080i/720p with this player be kept intact if I use the adapter? Any image quality loss?
  3. dabig25

    dabig25 Regular member

    Aug 31, 2004
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    I've heard that the Oppo will NOT upconvert using component output.

    Only with DVI This player does not have a HDMI output, but you can use a DVI to HDMI adapter.

    But you will not be able to transmit audio.
  4. dabig25

    dabig25 Regular member

    Aug 31, 2004
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    I finally went out & bought the OPPO OPDV971H.

    So far it's been a great player.

    It's played everything I've thrown at it.

    It will upscale to 480P,576,720, & 1080i.

    When I set it for 1080i, I see more pixels on my burned copies.

    I just leave it at 720 @ all times. Great Player. Their tech support is great.

    They always keep having firmware updates as well. Also REGION FREE.

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