Hello. This question has been asked frequently. The + or - doesn't mean as much as the quality of the media itself imo. Most modern players play all the formats. I've had DVD players for many years and have never had one that didn't play anything I burned, + or -. + has some advantages in that it can be booktyped as DVD-ROM which may help a balky player recognize and playback. The one exception is DL media where many players won't play -RDL at all but will play +RDL if booktyped as DVD-ROM. Some older burners only burned one format or the other. There are standalone DVD recorders that still only burn one format or the other.
Yeah that's the most frequently asked question if i'm right.Ladyboy is 100% right about that.There's almost no difference about these two formats except for the +r which can be booktyped for greater compatibility.But if your burning drive doesn't support the booktype feature,then you better go with the -r format as it is more compatible than a non-booktyped +r media. Vincent.
read this: http://www.cdfreaks.com/print/article/113 this may be a very frequently asked question asked by newbies, but I think THE most asked question by newbies is: [bold]What's the best software to use for DVD burning?[/bold]
thanks for that i think i asked that question before which is the best softare one day i wont be a noobie but until then please bare with me
nero, dvddecrypter/imageburn,and clone2 are pretty all i use now. nero and dvddecrypter/imageburn, also booktype to dvdrom on most burners.