I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to install a Spider Chip v1.1 on my v1.0 Xbox. The way it is in right now, the light first starts solid green, then starts flashing, and finally ends up orange. Does anybody know what this means?
I read from another forum that your chip most likely does not have a bios. I'm in the same boat. I'm trying to find a tutorial to flash the chip using Executer programmer. If you have any luck coming across it I would appreciate some directions.
Well, I'm still trying, and I keep getting different results. Sometimes the it frags, sometimes it turns orange, and sometimes, if i hold the chip just right it'll start up. Unfortunately i can never keep it in properly
Hey, check out http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?act=Msg&CODE=03&VID=in&MSID=366570 . And check out all his post, I learned a lot of shit. Also check this out, http://www.worldxbox.co.uk/showthread.php?t=22785&page=2 . I finally found a tutor for flashing the spiderchip (in almost detail). I ordered my Xecuter programmer today. I hope this shit works. I also read in a post that the Cromwell bios won't actually work in the XBOXv1.6b. Correct me anybody if I'm wrong.