hey just stumbled onto this site, its awesome. I'm very new to the whole mods and homebrew type stuff, thinking about gettin a cyclods. I was wondering what the quality of the picture is when playing movies. How does it compare to a ipod.
I disagree that it "Looks like crap . . " IMHO it's quite watchable if you don't have anything else. However, it is time consuming to get the video and audio in sync if converting from mpeg2 (DVD).
Yeah its better then nothing,but I wouldn't let my kids watch it for a long period of time. As for converting it,its about the same amount of time as converting to any other format.Its about 45-60 minutes for a full length movie from AVI to dpg.Just get a portable dvd player.Saves time and your eyes.
Interesting that you should say that in those terms . . . . . http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f..._dvdshrink_and_xilisoft_dpg_converter-788626/