i've been making dvds with convertxdvd and sometimes the audio seems to be out of sync.. Is this a prob with the software or is it because of the burn speed? Please can someone help? Thanks
Take one of the source files that shows the problem when it's converted to DVD and run it through ConvertX. Instead of burning the disk immediately, play the DVD files that were output to the folder (you may still have these on the HDD from a previous session). If there is no problem, burn the files to DVD using ImgBurn instead of ConvertX and see if the problem shows.
I have looked at one of the previously converted DVD files but they are out of sync too... why is this? how can I resolve it?? thanks
Check the source file (which is in sync) with GSpot. If it has VBR audio, that could be one reason that the converted files are out of sync. You could try converting the source using DVD Flick instead of ConvertX. OTOH, you could convert the VBR audio to a wav file and try the conversion that way.
thanks for the reply man... how would you convert VBR to a WAV file?? I just want a simple program that would convert video files to DVD And Convert X was doing the job and still is on my Dad's PC but on mine it goes out of sync although I've had successes in the past... will try this DVD Flick prog... Thanks
Tried to use DVD Flick but it takes bloody ages!! It still hadn't finished after 2 and a half hrs, plus the output files didn't seem to be DVD files! whats going on? I really liked ConvertXDVD but WHY has it caused the audio to go out of sync??! It is so frustrating! or do I need a newer version or something??? Someone please help??
If these are avi and the sync issue is constant throughout, this should fix it. Download AviMux_GUI (binary 1.7.8 ): http://www.alexander-noe.com/video/amg/ (work's in compatablity mode on Vista)and open your avi in it. Highlight it and select generate data, down below, highlight audio. Any delay will appear to the right in ms. If other than 0 appear's, select start and use the new avi in ConvertXtoDVD. Take's less than a minute and is free, won't help a gradual sync issue. Edit: this is not due to ConverXtoDVD.
do you mean the source files? I don't think the source files are AVI... usually they're RMVB... and they are not out of sync but seems that after its been put through ConvertX, it becomes out of sync.. Are you sure its got nothing to do with ConvertX? would downloading a newer version (if available) would help?
If the original's are RMVB, AviMux_Gui (you could try but I doubt it) won't help unless maybe if converted to avi in something like Alltoavi: http://alltoavi.sourceforge.net/ and then not sure. See this fairly often (5%) where the original avi play's fine on the computer but is out of sync when converted (with other encoder's too). If you can update ConvertXtoDVD without buying a newer version, I would and not great on audio but do find VBR versus CBR a culprit, also AC3, I alway's convert to WAV but don't know that it can be used in ConvertXtoDVD. If these video's are important, worth a shot but, again, only fixes audio that is out the same amount throughout the converted video.
Which is it?..Use Gspot as recommended to ID source file(s).. Try importing the CXD3 VOBS in Avidemux and use the audio 'Shift' tool.Line up and preview, if it works to your satisfaction save a new .mpg, it should not re-encode...Re-author a new DVD..
I assumed it was AVI source - RMVB is something I rarely see and hesitate to comment on - although on the odd times I do see them, DVD Flick has converted ok. @k00ka The AviDemux suggestion is certainly worth a try.