So I want to overclock this machine. From what I've heard, 3.6GHz isn't hard to do with these processors as long as the right cooling is acquired. Currently I have a Gigabyte Rocket CPU Cooler. Switched over from a Celeron D 340 to the Q6600. I have 3.07GHz as "Pushing it" with my current cooling. Now my questions, What fan should I get keeping under $40 if possible and from Newegg. (rebates ok) Also what settings to overclock and if 3.6 GHz is possible. PC Specs in Siggy. I'm looking at these: I'd like to have something where the BIOS controls the fan speed automatically. Does my BIOS support that, How can I check?
Depends on the chip. Older Q6600s were good for 3.6, newer ones not so good, 3.4 is as much as mine can give.
I have the G0 revision. Is that the older or newer chip? I did get it to boot at 3.6GHz but it was heating up fast. So I know it is possible.
i dont know which fan would be good, but i read that the G0 stepping is the good chip. i have that same chip, OC mine to 3.0ghz like nothing, with idle temps of 30C, i never tried 3.6ghz because i never really need or do anything passed 3.0.
G0 for both. Older G0s are better than newer ones, depends on the VID. 1.25VID chips are better than the 1.325 ones like I have. Also, just because it boots at 3.6 doesn't mean it's stable...
My core voltage is 1.328, but that is while overclocked. Should I put it back to standard and try it out then for a more accurate result or is this good enough?
Ok. CPUz did not give me the VID of the chip so I used a program called Core Temp 0.99.3. According to that program, my VID is 1.2750. So this would allow me to get a 3.6GHz overclock according to you Sam. What fan do you suggest to be able to achieve this? Is it even worth going up that high?
More mhz, more speed! With 1.275 you should be able to make 3.5 at least stable, but I'd recommend nothing short of a tower cooler like a TRUE, NH-U12, Ninja or Tuniq for it.
Can you please post some Newegg links or see if any of mine are good enough from my first post? "The key to a silent PC is a notebook SATA drive " Edit: I'd prefer a fan that automatically sets the speed rather than a controller. Which is better though? Are there any that can do both?
Fans themselves don't do that (one I know does, but it's loud as hell regardless). It's a controller on the motherboard that will do that. If you have a decent motherboard BIOS you can set the temperature at which the fan runs at a certain speed, or alternatively, use speedfan to achieve the same effect.