can anyone help me to get the internet and wap services to work on the P168 on Vodafone network. It's a good phone apart from this small problem. Please someone help me.
Hi, Did you get any response to your question about accessing the Internet with a Cect p168 cellphone? I am having the same problem in the US with T-Mobile.
sorry i have not had any help yet with my link up to the internet one the CECT P168 on the vodafone network. But if u look throught the rest of the forums u should find one for T-Mobile,tyhere are a few links for your network. Sorry i can't help u. Need some big time help with my settings. Thanks Minddy29
That's alright chick hope you managed to get yours sorted out chick. If not let me know and i'll find the forums myself and get them send to u the same way like this. Thanks for replying. Let me know and i will get straight onto it for you. And if u find anyone that can solve my problem on how to get the settings for the same moby on Vodafone network then that would be fantastic. Hope to hear from u soon. Thanks again. Minddy29.