I am wanting to upgrade my motherboard since I have found out mine is out of date. To save money on new parts I want to swap my old board for a new one so I have come up with 2 choices, P4P800-E Deluxe or P4P800 SE, can any one tell me what the better choice is between the 2 boards since one is cheaper then the other. Thank you in advance for reading this.
I think the second edition (SE) would be better because it would have improoved to the one before and if there was any bugs in it they would also be fixed.
I would say the first, the Deluxe model. Go to asus.com and compare the two. Usually the SE (Special Edition) models from Asus don't have as many features as the Deluxe models and may be missing things like Firewire support or something else. http://www.asus.com/prog/spec.asp?m=P4P800-E Deluxe&langs=01 http://www.asus.com/prog/spec.asp?m=P4P800 SE&langs=01 Yep, a quick look and the Deluxe edition has several more features. If you require those features then you will have to spend the extra, if not go for the SE. For example I use Firewire but don't have and GigEthernet hubs or swithes so the GigE wouldn't do my any good currently since I would only be able to use it at 100.
Thanks for the help! I don't use raid or firewire, so the after examing both really hard and reading as many reviews I'm going with the SE, saves some extra cash to grab some more memory
Realistically the SE is probably a better buy for most users as you'll save money as most people probably wont have much of a use for the more extensive features on the Deluxe edition.