Hi tomorrow i plan on buying a cheap airsoft gun from walmart, from what i see on the website the handgrip is blak but the rest is clear and the barrel is orange, what paint should i use to paint it black and please dont be shy on sharing tips on how to paint it
When you paint it black and take it outside your home, dont be surprised when someone thinks its real and grabs their real gun and ruins a good day for you. They stopped making fake guns look realistic for a reason.
why do jerks post on a forum? i have no clue either.... answer my question or piss off, thanks have a good day.. and btw they do make realistic airsoft guns bud sorry to break your heart
Wow. I am so Pwned Seriously tho last time i played duck hunt I really didnt care if my gat was all that. Nintendo made it grey for a reason and you can thank me for saving you from future embarrassment when your paint rubs off in your hands or you die from faking it with a fake gun. Speaking of rubbing off with the hand, I have better things to do.
lol wow ok, just a lil fyi im buying it because i live in the country and there are ducks who eat my crops so i would like to shoot them off without killing them, so can u answer my question now, what paint
Are they plastic or metal barrels? Rustoleum spray paint is okay, but all paint will rub off. I'd be more worried about crows eating your crops versus ducks. If you have melons or tomatoes, then Mr. Woodchuck can eat his bodyweight in 2 days.I recommend you buy a good varmint rifle instead, a high powered centerfire .22 or perhaps a .270 if you live in a windy part of the country. Take it from me, scaring only works while you are around to scare them. Killing them and leaving the dead bodies works wonders. I've killed hundreds of crows with a Remington 700 caliber 22-250, with hits out to 600 yards on calm days. An airsoft gun is only good to what, like 50 yards? Dogs are set and forget, they'll bug the living hell out of any waterfowl. Personally I don't really see a reason to paint your weapon black, the ducks don't care nor do they see in color. Heck, just use plastic electrical tape, or better yet white medical tape then you can spray paint it whatever color you want and it won't flake off as easy.
haha i actually live in texas so it isnt very windy only hot, but i suppose ill buy a hunting rifle if you think thats best, that means i have to get my license and so on... and the reason i wanted to paint it black so it would look cool, instead of the crappy clear
I was stationed in Texas for 2 1/2 years, San Angelo and San Antonio, we had plenty of wind. Check with your local Dept of Conversation, being a farmer and shooting pests on your own property you may not need a license.
License to own rifle?? Shouldn't be any problem to walk into a gun store, fill out the forms, pass the required checks, and walk out with a new weapon.
fyi,ducks dont care what color it is.but above posts are right.trying to save your crops with this is just an excersise in futility.up here in Canada we use an automatic system of blank rounds to scare off the varmints.talk to your neighbours about this first tho.lol.
i dont live on a farm i just live like near a lake and ducks come, and i have a nice lil crop in my ungated back yard so i may just get a shotgun or pistol with a silencer
Okay, we have been assuming way too much, First, if you live on a farm (I interpreted the fact that you lived in the country and have crops to be that you lived on a farm) You are allowed to protect your crops against varmints. However, if you are not on a farm, but in a suburb or live within 500 feet of another residence, school, occupied dwelling or a road with traffic, you can't shoot anything. Period. The license I refferred to was for a hunting license, again if you don't live on a farm, you can't go shoot any living thing just because it bothers you, you need a license to hunt, and you can only shoot things within season. The common crow, due to its migratory existance got included into the Migratory Bird Act of 1973 due to poor language, but the ENCON officer in northern NY where I hunted said he really didn't give a rat's A$$ how many of the things we killed as long as we had a license. Nor did he care when in the year we shot them. Ducks, geese and other waterfowl however are well protected and will result in a heafty fiine, confiscation of your shootin' irons and perhaps jail time if you should shoot a wood duck instead of a mallard duck. Sorry to get so texhnical, but check with your department of conservation and describe your situation to them before you go out and buy either a rifle, shotgun or even an air pistol. This will keep you out of trouble, trust me on this one. A silencer is something I would stay away from. You need to teach the varmints that the loud noise and the sudden poofing of their friend is a bad thing indeed. Nothing scares the living hell out of a murder of crows than to see their leader suddenly explode, followed by the sonic crack of the round, followed by the muzzle blast from a 22-250 loaded to the max. Makes them think twice about coming back to thae same field twice. ANd that is how you protect crops from varmints.
ha alright thanks, its just like my crops r the size of my house which is kinda big, but ill find something, maybe a spray horn thing
You also need to check with your city/county ordinance. Some have regulations on discharging firearms within certain distances of places where people gather. Since you are wating to shoot ducks, you may want to check this website for Texas. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/huntwild/hunt/season/animal_listing/