Sorry if this has already been answered, if it has could you please link the thread to me? I just recently modded my gamecube with a Qoob Pro and I am using the 1.3c bios. All of the PAL images I burn are in black in white when I play. Is there a solution to this? I figure there are most likely two ways to fix this: 1) Figure out a way to play PAL images on my Gamecube, whether by using a converter of somesort of changing my bios to be able to play PAL in color. 2) Convert the image file into an NTSC image and play as I do normally. Also, can anyone tell me if anyone else is even having this problem on a qoob chip? I've been searching all over the internet, these forums, and I don't see anyone who has a qoob chip who has problems playing PAL games. Thanks for the help everyone!
question: are you in the uk or any other country that uses pal here is why pal is designed for the uk and some parts of france if you are trying to run it on a tv that doesn't support pal i.e a us ntsc televesion all you will receive is black and white images or just a blue image where the game plays in blue
I live in the U.S. and I have an NTSC tv I believe. Is it supposed to be black and white if you have an NTSC TV and you try to play off of pal images?
Just go to the Qoob Pro settings and change video mode to NTSC for both game and Qoob. There, problem solved.
Thanks alot Venom! But now about 1/5 of the right side of the screen is black and the bottom of the screen flashes green. Is there a fix for this or would the best way just to be to convert the image files into NTSC using software?
Some games just don't work well with it. Also, there's no software to change the video mode as far as I know. You'd be better off just playing games that are NTSC rather than trying to convert PAL signals to NTSC.
I see, thanks. It makes sense as bomberman which is pal version that I changed to NTSC mode worked just fine. The Prince of Persian however, was very jacked up.
yea that is because not a lot of tv's can handle pal they can only handle ntsc that's why if you are doing imports i would recommend buying them or downloading them if you own the legal game in japanese because it works on ntsc televisions here in the us because japan is ntsc also